

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Exorcist: A classic for a reason

So Halloween this year came and went and I watched several horror movies over the course of October. One movie in particular, though, was more impressive than the other movies I watched. The Exorcist made a big splash back in the day and its effects continue on today. Whenever you see a movie about possession, there's a good chance it was inspired, in some part, by this movie.
The plot is more deep than a simple girl does something stupid, girl gets possessed story. There is a lot of focus put on the priest as well, hence why he's the titular character. Loss of faith is a key part of this movie. The mother, although not religious, loses faith in science when after several, what I can only imagine as bank breaking, experiments fail to explain what's going. She gains some faith in religion. The priest, after putting his ailing mother into a home, begins to lose faith in not only himself, but the world around him. They come together to try to save this poor girl from the torture that the demon is subjecting her to.
One of the things I really like about this movie is the soundtrack and the use of silence. Tubular Bells is an awesome song, although we don't get to hear a lot of it in the movie and it can even feel a little miss placed the few times we do hear it. The real star of the show is the silence. The most intense parts of the movie take place without the all too cliche shreek of noise. The lack of music creates an all to real and eerie atmosphere.
The visuals in the movie are very realistic. No over the top gore that we see a lot of now, but feesable amounts of blood and puss. The green vomit might be a bit over the top, but that's a stupid might since we're dealing with possession. The writing is fantastic and every actor hits their mark. The special effects are done so well that I was wondering how they did it all! The lost technique of using flashing frames (where there is a quick cut to some minor disturbing image, such as an all white face) and no CGI makes for some rather creepy scenes.
The film isn't scary in the same way that most movies now are scary. No jump scares, nothing like that. But it is very disturbing. I think that is a thing that most horror movies miss now. I mean The Ring and Paranormal Activity still do fairly well there, but most now are just chalk full of jump scares.
The pacing in my opinion is great. It gives us time to actually care about these characters and want them to be happy. It might feel a bit slow at times and that's okay. Life doesn't happen in a rush either. Proper story telling allows for lulls so that we can build empathy for the characters.
The role of the dice give it a 9/10. The acting is great, pacing great, effects great. The only thing I can think of that knocks this movie down a peg is the sometimes misplaced music.

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