

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph: Video Game movies done right.

You know who's one of Marvel comics more famous characters? Deadpool. Why? Cause he breaks the 4th wall (If don't know what that means, Here's the link that explains it a little). Wreck-It Ralph is a movie that breaks the fourth wall in video-games. They're aware that they are games. Now, If you're new to this blog or you just don't happen to know me, I'm a huge nerd. I love video games. I grew up with them and they taught me how to read (with the help of my parents of course). So when I saw the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph with M. Bison! (Cheap M-other Bison!) My only response was this! I was blown away. So my expectations were pretty high.
Wreck-It Ralph is about a video game "Bad Guy" who's tired of being treated as a Bad Guy. He leaves his game to earn a Good Guy's Medal so that in his own game the NPC's and hero will treat him better. If you can't tell, the movie is about being happy with who you are and about accepting others for themselves. This is amazing on a few levels (beware, I'm getting on a soap box and this might be better placed on my friend's blog here, but I'mma do it anyway). Video Games have been, since I was born (1988 thank you), viewed as a waste of time, money, and effort. Those that play video games get reduced to this guy (mad props BTW). This stigma of social rejection has lingered for decades. But, with video games reaching the billions of dollars as an industry (yes BILLIONS) and their popularity growing everyday (even if it's a wasteful, mindless, and borderline racist game like Call of Duty) video games are coming to the forefront of our society. They're beginning to define who we are. There is a lot you can tell about a person by what types of video games they like to play (here's how I think of people who love modern shooters). A movie that addresses this stigma of being an outcast in the midst of a crowd, due to preference of what to do with your own spare time (and it is a matter of preference), within it's own genre is a stroke of genius. There were a few scenes in that movie that almost drove me to tears (for those who have seen the movie, and think about it for a moment, you'll see that that comment was genius).
Okay, off my soapbox, for now at least. The animation in the film is very very well though out. The 8-bit characters move differently than the more modern arcade characters. This is one of those little things that make this movie cohesive and masterful. Seeing 8-bit versions of the characters as they appear on other games also adds quite a bit of fun.
The writing is masterful and really quite clever. At one point Ralph is getting ready to hit another character when the guy puts on glasses and asks "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you?" Ralph then removes the glasses and hits him with it. The character is smart enough to get the irony here (and if you're not, please read more books and put down the Modern shooter) and makes a comment on it (since this is a children's movie and children aren't particularly known for being smart but neither are modern shooter fans).
Alright, I think that about sums up what I'd like to talk about. The roll of the dice give the movie a 10/10. Go see it in theaters if you;d like to spend that much (I did and it was a wonderful experience) and when it comes out on DVD/Blue-ray BUY IT!

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